Friday 24 January 2014

Items to be assessed in your blog

  1. You have to work in English so choose "English (United Kingdom)" as your primary language in your Google account.
  2. You have to add labels to all your posts.
  3. You have to add 3 or more links to other websites about your topic.
  4. Working with Google Drive (or a similar site), you have to add a link: a) to a ppt file about your topic, b) to a doc file with the questions and key words about your topic and c) to a pdf file (print, with Google Drive, the previous ppt file as a pdf file). 
  5. You have to embed those three files in a post (or in several posts). Choose the suitable values for the width and the height of the frame.
  6. You have to upload images about your topic and add images from a URL.
  7. You have to upload a video about your topic and embed a Youtube video.
  8. You have to add 3 or more gadgets, including the MY BLOG LIST one.
  9. You have to change your blog favicon (look for another one or do it yourself with GIMP)
  10. You have to create 2 pages.
  11. You have to insert 2 or more JUMP BREAKS in your posts.
  12. You have to post via email (type in the CC box:
  13. You have to enable comment moderation and leave two comments on a partner's blog. He/she will do the same. Delete one of the comments.
  14. Working with Google Drive, you have to create a form with 10 questions about your topic (use MULTIPLE CHOICE, CHOOSE FROM A LIST, TEXT, CHECKBOXES, etc.) and this final question: "What's your name?" (we need this question in order to know who has submitted the form). If you want, your teacher can help you with the questions about your topic. Embed the form in your blog (choose the suitable values for the width and the height of the frame). Ask two partners to submit your form. Choose a spreadsheet as the responses destination and upload that file with your partners' answers and the form file to the folder Blogger that you share with your teacher in Dropbox.
  15. You have to export your blog and upload it to the folder Blogger that you share with your teacher in Dropbox.

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